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Top Sellers

Cocina 3 Products
Auto 1 Product
Bebes 1 Product
Salud 1 Product

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3Landers 1 Product
Auto 1 Product
Bebes 1 Product
Belleza 1 Product

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Create and sell your NFTs

1. Set up your wallet

Once you’ve set up your wallet of choice, connect it to OpenSeaby clicking the NFT Marketplacein the top right corner.

2. Create Your Collection

Click Create and set up your collection. Add social links, a description, profile & banner images, and set a secondary sales fee.

3. Add Your NFTs

Upload your work (image, video, audio, or 3D art), add a title and description, and customize your NFTs with properties, stats.

4. List Them For Sale

Choose between auctions, fixed-price listings, and declining-price listings. You choose how you want to sell your NFTs!

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